Weekly Update
I wanted to share my experience for the weeks 5 and 6, but I did not find the time for a blog post.
To be brief:
- I started to work on a side project, the stack is Django for the backend and VueJS for the front-end. It’s for the MVP.
- I changed the tyres on my car, it slips a lot on the snowy road. To do this I had to buy new rims and put on the snow tyres that were in my garage. Why new rims? Because the price of 19" tyres is honestly too expensive, which is not the case with 17" rims, it’s just half the price at least.
- Birthday of my brother (33 years)
- Birthday of the godfather of my daughter (40 years).
This week
Side project
I continue to work on my side project, after a lot of refactoring in my code, I start to have a workable interface, minimalist but workable ;-) Sorry, I am not a Javascript expert, and I don’t know all the best practices. I am happy when I develop a new feature. For that, I think I prefer Elm or Flutter for the Mobile development, the compilers are really useful.
What did I do? It’s a good question, with Django and DRF, we have the users, registration, authentication with JWT, unit tested of course ;-)
For the front-end, I use VueJS, Vuetify, Vuex, VueRouter, etc… but the main problem, is the design, I am not a web designer but with Pinterest or Dribbble, I try to find some ideas for my interface. It’s pretty hard because I am not a creative designer, just a tech dev. For me, everything could be with the same color, without no rounded borders, etc… you know, just an interface from the 90’s ;-) But the whole interface could be ugly and not really interesting for my future users, which would not be really attractive.
Firstly, I try to have a MVP asap, after I will hire a web designer.
My company
Yesterday, I had a small meeting with a potential customer. A company working with Java, and they would like to offer some experiences in Python, but they don’t know Python. They are looking for a mentor for their projects. Why not. We will see in the future because I am mainly focused on my side project.
Since last week, I have started the Freeletics program, it’s a HIIT program for the “sporty people”, in fact, you have to do a maximum of repetitions in a dedicated period. For example of one exercice, 25 burpees in 2 minutes. (I am going to be honest with you, it’s difficult). Of course, it’s not the only one exercise in this program and usually, the duration of the HIIT program is between 20 and 45 minutes.
As explained in the last post, in Belgium, the adults can not practice in an indoor sport, however, my daugther can continue the Karate trainings. For that, I am just lucky, because I drive her to the Dojo (Karate School) and with the authorization of my sensei, I can give help him with the trainings of the kids. I am really glad because I can share my experience of Black Belt and give some good tips to the kids. I feel like a fish in water.
As explained in the previous paragraph, the adults cannot practise indoor sports, some people don’t pay attention to food anymore. That was my case :-(
This week I decided to do a week-long water fast. The principle is very simple, we only drink water for a set period of time, nothing else.
I started on Sunday, after Valentine’s Day. I was at 104.7kg.
- On Monday, no problems, just a little hunger.
- On Tuesday I was a little hungry, but a bit of a headache.
- Wednesday morning I am not hungry, I don’t have a headache anymore and my current weight is 101.4kg.
Of course, I drink a lot of water, it’s essential, otherwise it could be dangerous for my health.
I will continue until next Sunday and I will keep you informed.
Yesterday, with my family, we went to an animal shelter because we are thinking of adopting a small cat. The major problem is my daughter’s allergy to cats. So we are trying to see if we could adopt it (see doctor…)
Voilà, it’s the end.
See you later and take care.
Thank you to: